Gardening for the Body, Brain, and Soul

This article talks about home gardening which is great, but school gardens can also be a way to get kids out in nature, asking questions, getting dirty, and learning.

Planting a garden can affect not only your child’s body but also their brain and soul. Source: Gardening with Kids: How It Affects Your Child’s Brain, Body and Soul via Gardening with Kids: How It Affects Your Child’s Brain, Body and Soul — The School Garden Doctor

STEM in Schools

I wrote this a couple of years ago on my other blog,, but it actually belongs on this space.

roosterhug   If you have a child in school these days then you surely have heard of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math.) It’s the big thing right now~ there are STEM schools,  STEM measurements, and people compare the STEM-ness of schools when making decisions about where their child will go. Personally, I’m wondering where creativity fits into science, technology, engineering, and math. It seems to me innovation is tied to creativity and we need to foster that in our children just as much as the other things. Not only that, but creativity gives people the space to appreciate art, music, literature, and all the things that still exist beyond our screens. Our kids will be proficient in computers, that’s a given, but do we really want to tie our futures so inseparably with modern technology? Has there really been nothing of use in the world up until the computer chip was invented? What about the natural world? Science seems centered on dissecting it, but what about giving kids the chance to appreciate it? Breathe it. Realize they live in it along with billions of other beings and need to think about that fact. An example of what I’m talking about is the fact our school district does not have art teachers. There are volunteer parents that go in and teach art to classes at most once per month, but often a lot less. Why are we teaching these kids that art in not that important? They have music and PE and library at least once per week, but art for some reason is not valued enough to have at least a weekly class with a trained teacher. This just blows my mind. Kids get so much out of art class and I’m not just referring to the kids who are gifted in it. When I go in and help with art lessons I’m always struck by the highly intellectual students who are astounded they can make something aesthetically pleasing with their own hands, and the hyper-active students who can focus on something that is truly their own, and the quiet students who love being able to work on something as an individual and not be overwhelmed with the constant group activities that are also so vogue in modern education. It gives students a place to pause and consider what art means to them, to recognize every single one of them has some creativity and how good it feels to express it, and to understand it is valuable to work on something purely for aesthetic reasons. These are just a few of things that I see falling out of schools in favor of STEM, and I’d like to propose a post-STEM environment focused on Creativity and Nature. Computers will be integrated in their lives more and more with textbooks changing into tablets, research done on Google, Kindergarteners giving PowerPoint presentations~ that’s all part of the modern world and I’m not trying to stop it, there just needs to be some focus on what goes on outside of a screen and perhaps inside of a head. Of course, I have to bring up the Edible Schoolyard Project as I so often do because it embraces nature and creativity both in such a beautiful balance, and in an increasingly teched-out world kids need to be reminded of the importance of these things. Isn’t education about expanding the mind after all…? It certainly can’t just be about learning how to use a single tool. Our kids are brighter than that and they deserve more.

Nutrition Education in Schools

Photo by Lani Vanderlip

Photo by Lani Vanderlip

How about some good news today…? There is a program that will teach 4th and 5th graders about nutrition in their very own classrooms, and it is free. This discovery made my day and I immediately sent it to the school principal at my sons’ school so I hope to be able to write up a review all about it soon. If you are in the Seattle area and want someone to come to your school to teach kids about food, reading food labels, and to make vegetarian chili with them in their classroom (and who doesn’t?!) then check this out: Pure Foods Kids Foundation. Seriously, the fact this exists makes me warm and giddy inside.