Kids CAN get dirty

I’ve been thinking about STEM lately, and it’s all well and good to embrace modern life and the technology needs it entails, but I resent it taking over so much of our children’s education. In response to STEM, I’m actively encouraging my kids to be CAN-do students~ Creativity, Activity, and Nature. We aren’t going to get far without creative thinking, including art and all artistic pursuits, and our kids desperately need to actively move their bodies~ that’s an obvious one for many reasons but one that maybe not everyone knows is that the mind and body are intricately linked. Moods, emotions, thought processes, ability to focus, and more are all linked to the physical body and movement, not to mention health, coordination, bodily awareness, etc. And Nature, which one would think STEM would cover but more and more Science seems to be the world of laboratories, computers, and robotics. Call me old-fashioned but I like to see my kids with dirt under their fingernails.

Boys gardening

boys gardening 2


Hello Friends~

The best part about my eco-minded mission is finding others with amazing green ideas. This is a place to share mine with you, and also to share the other fantastic things happening in our world today, from school gardens, to fantastic recycled art, to brilliant environmental building ideas. It seems the humans are starting to understand that they need to change in order to help the earth. It is exciting to see hoo~ hoo~ who else will help. What will you do?